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Issue: List Tool


All Portia tools using API endpoints that require OAuth are built with plug and play authentication support. They use Portia client credentials including client ID, client name and redirect URL. Such tools will raise a Action Clarification with an OAuth link as the action URL. The portia.wait_for_ready() method must be used in this scenario: Portia's OAuth server will listen for the authentication result and resolve the concerned clarification, allowing your plan run to resume again.

For more on this, please visit to the section on running Portia tools ().

Tool details

Tool ID: portia:github::list_repo_issues

Tool description: List issues in a GitHub repository.

Args schema:

"description": "Schema for the StarGitHubRepoTool input.",
"properties": {
"repo": {
"description": "The repository to list issues. For example: PortiaAI/portia-sdk-python",
"title": "Repo",
"type": "string"
"required": [
"title": "ListGitHubRepoIssuesToolSchema",
"type": "object"

Output schema:

('list', 'A list of issues in the GitHub repository.')