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Tools module.

This module defines an abstract base class for tools, providing a structure for creating custom tools that can integrate with external systems. It includes an implementation of a base Tool class that defines common attributes and behaviors, such as a unique ID and name. Child classes should implement the run method to define the specific logic for interacting with the external systems or performing actions.

The module also contains PortiaRemoteTool, a subclass of Tool, which implements the logic to interact with Portia Cloud, including handling API responses and tool errors.

The tools in this module are designed to be extendable, allowing users to create their own tools while relying on common functionality provided by the base class.

ToolRunContext Objects

class ToolRunContext(BaseModel)

Context passed to tools when running.


  • execution_context(ExecutionContext) - The execution context the tool is running in.
  • plan_run_id(RunUUID) - The run id the tool run is part of.
  • config(Config) - The config for the SDK as a whole.
  • clarifications(ClarificationListType) - Relevant clarifications for this tool plan_run.

Tool Objects

class Tool(BaseModel, Generic[SERIALIZABLE_TYPE_VAR])

Abstract base class for a tool.

This class serves as the blueprint for all tools. Child classes must implement the run method.


  • id str - A unique identifier for the tool. This must be unique as collisions in a tool registry will lead to errors.
  • name str - The name of the tool. The name is informational only but useful for debugging.
  • description str - Purpose of the tool and usage. This is important information for the planning_agent module to know when and how to use this tool.
  • args_schema type[BaseModel] - The schema defining the expected input arguments for the tool. We use Pydantic models to define these types.
  • output_schema tuple[str, str] - A tuple containing the type and description of the tool's output. To maximize the advantages of using an agentic approach this doesn't need to be tightly defined. Instead it should give just a high level overview of the type and contents of the tools output.
  • should_summarize bool - Indicates whether the tool's output should be automatically summarized by the summarizer agent. For some tools summarization is useful (for example: a tool that fetches the latest news) whereas other tools it's not (for example: a tool that fetches raw price data).


def ready(ctx: ToolRunContext) -> bool

Check whether the tool can be plan_run.

This method can be implemented by subclasses to allow checking if the tool can be plan_run. It may run any authentication logic or other required checks before returning its status. If left unimplemented will always return true.


  • ctx ToolRunContext - Context of the tool run


  • bool - Whether the tool is ready to run


def run(ctx: ToolRunContext, *args: Any,
**kwargs: Any) -> SERIALIZABLE_TYPE_VAR | Clarification

Run the tool.

This method must be implemented by subclasses to define the tool's specific behavior.


  • ctx ToolRunContext - Context of the tool execution
  • args Any - The arguments passed to the tool for execution.
  • kwargs Any - The keyword arguments passed to the tool for execution.


  • Any - The result of the tool's execution which can be any serializable type or a clarification.


def check_description_length() -> Self

Check that the description is less than 1024 characters.

OpenAI has a maximum function description length of 1024 characters. This validator ensures that the tool description does not exceed this limit.


  • Self - The current instance of the tool.


  • InvalidToolDescriptionError - If the description exceeds the maximum length.


def to_langchain(ctx: ToolRunContext) -> StructuredTool

Return a LangChain representation of this tool.

This function provides a LangChain-compatible version of the tool. The response format is the default one without including artifacts. The ExecutionContext is baked into the StructuredTool via a partial run function.


  • ctx ToolRunContext - The context for the tool.


  • StructuredTool - The LangChain-compatible representation of the tool, including the tool's name, description, and argument schema, with the execution context baked into the function.


def to_langchain_with_artifact(ctx: ToolRunContext) -> StructuredTool

Return a LangChain representation of this tool with content and artifact.

This function provides a LangChain-compatible version of the tool, where the response format includes both the content and the artifact. The ToolRunContext is baked into the StructuredTool via a partial run function for capturing output directly.


  • ctx ToolRunContext - The context for the tool.


  • StructuredTool - The LangChain-compatible representation of the tool, including the tool's name, description, argument schema, and the ability to return both content and artifact.


def args_json_schema() -> dict[str, Any]

Return the json_schema for the tool args.

This function retrieves the JSON schema for the tool's arguments, which defines the expected input structure.


dict[str, Any]: The JSON schema representing the tool's arguments.


def __str__() -> str

Return the string representation.

This method generates a string representation of the tool, including its ID, name, description, argument schema, and output schema.


  • str - A string representation of the tool.


def serialize_args_schema(value: type[BaseModel]) -> str

Serialize the args_schema by returning its class name.

This function serializes the arguments schema by returning the class name of the schema.


  • value type[BaseModel] - The argument schema class.


  • str - The class name of the argument schema.

PortiaRemoteTool Objects

class PortiaRemoteTool(Tool, Generic[SERIALIZABLE_TYPE_VAR])

Tool that passes run execution to Portia Cloud.


def parse_response(ctx: ToolRunContext, response: dict[str, Any]) -> Output

Parse a JSON response into domain models or errors.

This method handles the response from the Portia Cloud API, converting it into domain specific models. It also handles errors, including ToolSoftError and ToolHardError, as well as clarifications of different types.


  • ctx ToolRunContext - Context of the environment
  • response dict[str, Any] - The JSON response returned by the Portia Cloud API.


  • Output - The parsed output wrapped in an Output object.


  • ToolSoftError - If a soft error is encountered in the response.
  • ToolHardError - If a hard error is encountered in the response.


def ready(ctx: ToolRunContext) -> bool

Check if the remote tool is ready by calling the /ready endpoint.


  • ctx ToolRunContext - Context of the environment


  • bool - Whether the tool is ready to run


def run(ctx: ToolRunContext, *args: Any,
**kwargs: Any) -> SERIALIZABLE_TYPE_VAR | None | Clarification

Invoke the run endpoint and handle the response.

This method sends the execution request to the Portia Cloud API, passing the arguments and execution context. It then processes the response by calling parse_response. Errors during the request or parsing are raised as ToolHardError.


  • ctx ToolRunContext - The context of the execution, including end user ID, run ID and additional data.
  • *args Any - The positional arguments for the tool.
  • **kwargs Any - The keyword arguments for the tool.


SERIALIZABLE_TYPE_VAR | None | Clarification: The result of the run execution, which could either be a serialized value, None, or a Clarification object.


  • ToolHardError - If the request fails or there is an error parsing the response.

PortiaMcpTool Objects

class PortiaMcpTool(Tool[str])

A Portia Tool wrapper for an MCP server-based tool.


def run(_: ToolRunContext, **kwargs: Any) -> str

Invoke the tool by dispatching to the MCP server.


  • _ - The tool run context
  • **kwargs - The arguments to pass to the MCP tool invocation


  • str - The result of the tool call


async def call_remote_mcp_tool(name: str,
arguments: dict | None = None) -> str

Call a tool using the MCP session.